You are here: Sales > Sales Setup & Management Tasks
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Sales Setup & Management Tasks

Revised May 5, 2010


The Sales Manager operates at the intersection between the builder's sales department, driven by prospect and customer needs, and the production and purchasing departments, driven by lots, costs, and trade partners. Much of the pre-construction and pre-marketing setup is typically managed by the person in the builder's organization in the Sales Manager role. These setup and administrative tasks are managed throughout the planning and construction process in multiple locations in the application. We have grouped them here by functional area for ease of navigation.






Company Setup




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Navigation Path

Admin > Company Setup

Sales Settings

See Sales Settings in the Help > Admin book for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

NSO Settings

See NSO Settings in the Help > Admin book for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

Manage Broker Agents and Mortgage Companies




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Navigation Path

Directory > Broker Agents or Mortgage Companies

SR > Broker Agent / Mortgage Co List


Please see the following topics in BTHelp addressing all areas of Broker Agent and Mortgage Company setup, management and To Do task followup:

  1. Add / Edit / Manage Broker Agent and Mortgage Companies:
    1. Directory
    2. Manage Broker Agents
    3. Manage Mortgage Companies
  2. Manage Broker Agent and Mortgage Company To Do Tasks:
    1. To Do Task Management

Setup Homebuyer Homepage


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See Setup Homebuyer Homepage in the Help > Project Setup book for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

Generate BTWebKit Prospect Form


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See Generate BTWebKit Prospect Form in the Help > Project Setup book for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

Manage Contract Documents


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See Document Creation > Sales Contract and Manage Documents for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

Best Practice - Contract Tagging













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Best Practice - Contract Tagging


The general topic of document tagging and a complete matrix of all tags available in BuildTopia are available at: About Tags and BuildTopia Tags.

Formatting Tags

Formatting tags used in the user's documents allows the sales person to quickly see what information BuildTopia has populated. Some suggested formatting tips are listed here:

  • Tags within a paragraph – blue text, no underline
  • Tags within a table – blue text, underline is optional (when using underline in tables, sometimes it looks better to use the bottom line of the table, opposed to underlining the text
  • Forms – normal text, underline
  • You can delete the '$' from your document when you are using tags that will display dollar amounts. BuildTopia will automatically add the '$' to the amount.

Use Form Fields

For information that BuildTopia does not have tags, form fields can be used to capture the information and keep the formatting consistent on the contract. Form fields are a Microsoft Word function. We have provided steps to get you started using Form Fields - but do a search on 'Form Fields' in your version of Microsoft Word to get more information.

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. To display the Forms toolbar, point to Toolbars on the View menu, and then click Forms.
  3. In the document, click where you want to insert the form field.
  4. Click Text Form Field .
  5. To make the forms available for input, protect the form by clicking Protect Form on the Forms toolbar.
  6. Save the document and upload to BT.
  • Form Field Properties - You can specify a default entry so that users do not have to type an entry unless they want to change the response.
    1. Right click the Form Field and select Properties.
    2. Change the options you want.
    3. Protect the form by clicking Protect Form on the Forms toolbar.
  • Show or Hide Shading - Click Form Field Shading  on the Forms toolbar. The shading you apply by clicking Form Field Shading appears on the screen so users can quickly identify the fields they need to respond to. This shading does not print.

Use Tables

Tables are used when text is displayed in the contract in more than one column. This ensures that the data will remain in the desired columns. Some examples of tables with tags are shown below.

To download examples of table tags in a Microsoft Word doc click here.

Copy and Paste

Word 2003 - When copying specific tags from the BTHelpSystem, once you have pasted the tags, be sure to select ‘Keep text only’ when asked which pasting option you want to use.

Word 2000 - When copying tags (i.e. @@customer_name@@) and pasting it into the document use the Paste Special function in the edit menu and select Unformatted Text.  

Edit Lot Details





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Navigation Path

SM > Lot Matrix > Active, Pending, Complete sub-tab


Most Lot-specific information is entered in  Admin > Projects > Lots. In addition, the Sales Manager may further edit some details, such as Premium, Required Elevation, and Required Color, depending on sales and construction status.


  1. Select the Edit Details link.

  2. Use the text fields to edit the lot details as available.
  3. Select the Submit button to save the changes, or, as appropriate, select the Cancel button to discard the changes.

Release Lots for Sale & SPEC

















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Navigation Path

SM > Lot Matrix > Pending sub-tab


  • The Sales Manager releases lots to the sales team for sale and spec with different purposes.
  • Lots can be released either for sale, for sale AND spec, or for spec alone.
    • If released for Sale, the lot shows up in the workup link for the Prospect in the SR module.
    • If released for SPEC only, the lot shows up on the SPEC list, and is not visible to the Prospect unless it is released for SPEC AND sale.
  • The release of lots has a direct impact on the user's ability to edit the plans available on a lot:
    • Releasing a lot for either sale or SPEC "locks" the lot and prevents the user from adding or deleting plans that are available on the lot.
    • The user has limited opportunity to "unlock" the lot for purposes of adding or deleting plans by pulling the lot from sale or SPEC.  
  • The user can pull the lot from sales until a sales contract is submitted on the lot.

Note: The agreement does not need to be approved, just submitted.

  • The user can pull the lot from SPEC until a SPEC workup is accepted on the lot.

Release Lot for Sale


  1. To make a lot available for selection with a sales workup, select the Release For Sale link, which automatically converts to a Pull From Sales link.

  2. To pull a lot from sales, select the Pull From Sales link.

Release Lot for SPEC


  1. To make a lot available for selection with a SPEC workup, select the Release For SPEC link, which automatically converts to a Pull From SPEC link.

  2. To pull a lot from SPEC, select the Pull From Sales link.


Price Plans













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Navigation Path

SM > Price Plans


  • Changes made to base house prices can be updated for any lot that is not under contract (has a "sold" status).
  • The new plan price will not be applied to any sales agreements that have been Submitted, Accepted, Finalized, and/or Terminated

Base Plan Price Change

Steps - Method 1

  1. Select the Plan Templates sub-tab.
  2. Use the text fields labeled in the New Price column to enter the Base Price for each Plan.  

Note: Do not use commas or decimal points.

  1. Select Save; Base Prices are saved and the user is directed to the Update Lot Plan Pricing screen.
  2. Select one or more checkboxes to apply price on a lot-by-lot basis.  
    • Choose Select All to apply price change to all lots listed.  
    • Choose Lots with Workups to select only lots that have workups (also indicated with a )
    • Choose Lots w/o Workups to select only lots that do not have workups.
  3. Select Update Selected Lots to return to the Price Plan screen.  As necessary, select Cancel to return to the Price Plan screen without applying price change(s) to lots.

Steps - Method 2

  1. Select Active Lots, Pending Lots, or Complete Lots sub-tab.
  2. Select Modify Pricing link for the plan you wish to modify.
  3. Enter the new price in the data entry box.
  4. Select Save to save price change.

Plan Price Change by Lot


  • The following functionality is designed to benefit users who vary the price of their plans by lot. Price changes can be made on a lot by lot basis, by a fixed dollar amount or percentage, in the format currently used for Option pricing. Changes are saved in a log and messages are generated informing permitted users of all changes.
  • Plan /Unit Price Change by Dollar amount:
    • the user can choose which lots to apply a dollar amount change (positive number to increase, negative to decrease) for a specific plan. Changes made are recorded on the logs for the specific lots
  • Plan Unit Price Change by Percentage:
    • the user can choose which lots to apply a percentage change (positive number to increase, negative to decrease) for a specific plan. Changes made are recorded on the logs for the specific lots



  1. Select the Plan Templates sub-tab.
  2. Select the Price Lots link for any given plan.
  3. The Plan Unit Price for Plan [Plan Name] screen displays.
  4. Select Dollar or Percentage price change method by the drop-down menu.
  5. Enter the amount or percent in the second text field.
  6. Select Round-To amount by the drop-down menu.
  7. Select the Calculate button, or Reset button to cancel the calculation.
  8. Select each Lot to receive the newly calculated price by individual radio button in Apply column or Select All link to apply to all lots displayed.
  9. Select each Lot NOT to apply the newly calculated price by individual radio button in Don't Apply column, or Select All link NOT to apply to all lots displayed.
  10. Select Save button or Cancel to return to Price Plans screen.
  11. Proceed with every other Plan you wish to change pricing on a Lot basis.


  • Lot plan price changes are logged for individual lots and can be viewed from the view log action link from
  • When plan prices are changed and are applied to lots, internal and external messages will be generated listing all the units, who made the change, and the old and new price.
  • When plan prices are changed on a plan on a specific lot internal and external messages will be generated listing the unit and the price change.

Price Options


















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Navigation Path

SM > Price Options


  • The costs displayed in the Price Options screen is populated with the best available cost data.  Options with incomplete cost information are denoted with a when the user selects the checkbox at the top of the screen. Some or all of the cost information displayed for the flagged options comes from the Proforma budgets in the absence of finalized cost associated with the option.
    • When this checkbox is selected the page might load slower due to the amount of additional cost information being pulled from multiple areas.
  • The cost includes any tax applicable for each option.


Markup - the percentage value applied to the current cost  - often referred to as 'cost plus' pricing (% X Cost)

Margin - the ratio of profit earned in the selling price, what proportion of the total selling price was profit [(Price – Cost)/Price]


Item costs $1.00 Items sells for $1.50.

Markup is .50 or 50 percent of the cost.

Margin is .50 or 33 a percent of the selling price.

Note: When you select All Categories from the Category drop down, this view does not include the proforma budgeted amount in the cost calculation.  If you want to see the budgeted amount you must select a specific category.


  1. Select the Edit Option Prices link for the desired plan type.

  2. Use the pull-down menu to Select Category.  

  3. Indicate whether or not you want to Flag Options with Incomplete Cost Information. Select the checkbox to see the options that have incomplete cost information.

  4. There are three methods for updating the Retail Price:

    1. Margin - Use the pull-down to select Margin, enter the percentage (%) increase and select the rounding rule.  Select the Calculate button.

    2. Markup - Use the pull-down to select Markup, enter the percentage (%) increase and select the rounding rule.  Select the Calculate button.

    3. Manual - Enter the retail price in the New Retail Price field.

  5. For each option, use the radio button to either Apply to this plan or Don't Apply to this plan. (Use Select All links at Apply and Don't Apply columns to manage the entire category on screen, then adjust with the least number of selections by radio button.)

  6. Select Save to save the prices for this plan only or select Save and Apply to Other Plans.

    1. If Save is selected, proceed with Option Pricing, category by category until the Plan is complete. Once the Plan's Options are priced, move to the next Plan.
    2. If Save and Apply to Other Plans is selected:
      1. Select This Project or All Projects tab
      2. Select the checkbox for each plan to apply the new pricing to. The checkbox at the top will allow you to select all plans in this list
      3. If appropriate, filter for All, Active or Archived plans
      4. Select the Save button

Track Follow-Up / Transfer Prospects
















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Navigation Path

SM > Follow-up

Track Follow-up

The user can track Follow-up to monitor the status of to do tasks, filtered by Sales Rep and Origin of the task.


  1. Select the date range using the pull down menu, or select a customized date range using Date Pick fields.
  2. Select All Sales Reps or an individual Rep to track.
  3. Select All Origins, or Follow up Campaign, Marketing Campaign, or Sales Rep manual task entry origin.
  4. Select the Update View button.

Transfer Prospects


  • The user may transfer all of a Sales Rep's Prospects to any other Sales Rep in the project
  • If the system does not display the expected receiving Sales Rep, contact your BTAdministrator to ensure the new Sales Rep is associated to the Project
  • All Prospects associated with the 'losing' Sales Rep are transferred, as well as all Follow-up campaign tasks assigned to the 'losing' Sales Rep


  1. Select the Transfer Prospects link.
  2. Select the first (losing) Sales Rep from the You will be transferring this Sales Rep's Prospects pull-down menu.
  3. Select the second (receiving) Sales Rep from the This Sales Rep pull-down menu.
  4. Select the Go button.
  5. The list of Prospects is displayed under the losing Sales Rep's column for confirmation. If the list is correct, select Submit button, or Cancel to return to previous screen.
  6. The list of Prospects is displayed under the receiving Sales Rep's column with the opportunity to Undo. Select Undo button to return Prospects to losing Sales Rep, or OK button to proceed.

Manage Financial Information














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Navigation Path

Admin > Projects > Project Settings > Financial Setup


  1. Use the text fields to enter the following system-generated information.

    1. HOA Annual Fee ($$) and Months Prepaid

    2. Closing Cost (%)
    3. 2nd Trust Closing Cost ($$)
    4. City Tax (%) and Months Prepaid
    5. County Tax (%) and Months Prepaid
    6. Hazard Insurance (%) and Months Prepaid
    7. Disclaimer (Recommended language: 'This is a good faith estimate only. Please contact your mortgage advisor for more information.')
  2. Select the checkbox to indicate "Yes" to Show seller contribution on financial workup screen?

  3. Select Save.

Add / Edit a Fee


  1. After Financial Information is initially entered, the user may Add a Fee unique to the Project. Select Add a Fee button.

  2. Use the text field to enter the Fee Description.
  3. Use the radio button to select either Percentage or Monthly.
  4. Select Save to add the custom fee or Cancel to return to the Financial Information screen.  
  5. To Edit the Fee, select the Edit or Delete link from the Fee line on the Financial Information screen.

Manage Loan Programs












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Navigation Path

Admin > Company Setup > Loan Programs


The user can enter information to manage a loan program which creates project-specific loan program information, which can be shared as baseline information to leads and prospects.  This process does not replace the lead or prospect seeking formal loan qualification from a qualified lender.

Add Loan Program


  1. Select theAdd/Import a Loan Program link.

  2. Use the text fields or pull-down menu to enter the following required information.

    1. Name
    2. Loan Type (pull down menu)
    3. Maximum Loan Amount ($$)
    4. Term (Months)
    5. Interest Rate (%)
    6. Discount Points
    7. LTV (Maximum - %)
    8. Front Ratio (%)
    9. Back Ratio (%)
    10. Mortgage Insurance: LTV Ratio (%)
    11. Mortgage Insurance: Factor (%)
  3. To add a second trust to the loan program, follow the steps listed below in the Add Second Trust section.

  4. Select Save to save the entered information and return to the Loan Programs screen.  As appropriate, select Cancel to delete any information and return to the Loan Programs screen.

Import a Loan Program


  1. Select the Add/Import a Loan Program link.

  2. Use the pull-down menu to select Import Loan Programs from Another Project.

  3. Select Go.

  4. Select the checkbox to select one or more Loan Program Name.

  5. Select Import to save the entered information and return to the Loan Programs screen.  As appropriate, select Cancel to delete any information and return to the Loan Programs screen.

Add 2nd trust


  1. Select Add Second Trust.

  2. Use the text fields to enter the following required information.

    1. 2nd Trust Maximum LTV (%)
    2. Loan Term (Months)
    3. Interest Rate (%)
    4. Discount Points
  3. Select Save to save the entered information and return to the Loan Programs screen.  As appropriate, select Cancel to delete any information and return to the Loan Programs screen.

Edit Loan Program


  1. Select the Edit link for the Loan Program Name to be edited.

  2. Use the text fields or pull-down menu to make desired modifications.

  3. To add a second trust to the loan program, follow the steps listed below in the Add Second Trust section.

  4. Select Save to save the entered information and return to the Loan Programs screen.  As appropriate, select Cancel to delete any information and return to theLoan Programs screen.

Manage Survey


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See Manage Surveys in the Help > Sales book and Company Questions in the Help > Admin book for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

Manage Builder Incentives


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See Manage Builder Incentives for a full discussion of all Sales Manager setup functions in this area.

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